MAYA-VIDEO-Tutorials (සිංහල)

Autodesk Maya Beginner's Visual-Hand Book. (In Sinhala/ සිංහල)

  1. Preface - Author's Commentary. (Pending...)
  2. How To Use This Book. (Pending...)
  3. Introduction To 3D Graphics. (Pending...)
  4. Introduction to Autodesk Maya. (Pending...)
    1. User Interface Overview - Basics. (3min 24sec) 
      1. Workspace. (1min 27sec)
      2. 3D Space. (2min 44sec)
      3. Main Menu Bar & Menu Selector. (2min 03sec)
      4. Status Line. (1min 01sec)
      5. Shelf. (1min 23sec)
      6. Tool Box. (1min 26sec)
        1. Select Tool. (1min 18sec)
        2. Move Tool. (1min 50sec)
        3. Rotate Tool. (1min 48sec)
        4. Scale Tool. (1min 26sec)
        5. Lasso Tool. (1min 11sec)
        6. Paint Selection Tool. (1min 53sec)
        7. Soft Selection. (3min 33sec)
        8. Reflection. (2min 13sec)  
      7. Channel Box. (1min 58sec)
      8. Quick Layout Buttons. (1min 22sec)
      9. TIPS - Customize UI Elements. (4min 15sec) 
      10. Hotbox/ Especial Menu System In Maya. (2min 22sec) 
      11. Attribute Editor. (3min 21sec) 
    2. Creating Primitives. (6min 16sec) 
    3. History Of An Object. (9min 36sec)
    4. Duplicating Objects. (6min 37sec)
    5. Viewing and Managing Objects in 3D Space. (5min 32sec)
      1. Viewing Objects In 'Wireframe'/ 'Shaded'/ 'Shaded with texture'/ 'With lights' Modes. (4min 23sec) 
      2. Camera - Intro. (4min 02sec)
        1. Top/ Side/ Front/ Perspective (Navigation through views. (3min 56sec)
        2. Dolly Tool (Zoom in/ out). (1min 11sec)
        3. Tumble Tool. (1min 01sec)
        4. Track Tool. (35sec)
        5. TIPS  - Orthographic views. (2min 29sec)
      3. Objects Renaming. (Pending...)
      4. Grouping/ Intro To Outliner. (8min 42sec)
      5. Hypergraph - Hierarchy and Connections. (8min 32sec)
      6. Layer Editor. (7min 53sec)
      7. Selection Modes and Masks. (7min 57sec)
      8. Pivot Point. (Pending...)
    6. Object Mode And Component Mode. (6min 24sec)
    7. Intro To Surface Materials And More About Object Connections. (6min 59sec)
    8. Maya Virtual Sliding. (1min 47sec)
  5. Polygonal Modeling.
    1. Intro To Polygonal Modeling. (6min 48sec)
    2. How To 'Create Polygons'. (4min 42sec)
    3. Polygon Normals. (6min 22sec)
    4. Creating A Hole In Polygon At The Creation Time. (1min 32sec)
    5. Extruding Poly- Face, Edge, Vertex. (5min 29sec)
    6. Adding Polygons To An Existing Polygon - Append To Polygon Tool. (2min 40sec)
    7. Wedge Face. (2min 46sec)

Rumesh Tharanga.
Filmmaker/ VFX artist.

    Other Tutorials.
    001) Particle Instancing. (Video Tutorial in two parts)
